You didn’t get the job? Top 10 reasons why you are not getting offered that part time position

If you are currently in the market, looking for a part time job, you could be someone who has applied for various roles but, for some reason, you are just not getting any offers of work coming in.  For some roles, you might be falling at the first hurdle; not hearing any news from when  […]

Part Time Job Interviews – The Questions You Don’t Need To Answer

So you have seen an ad for a part time job vacancy and it really looks the part. You check all the specifications and you think you might be in with a chance of getting this job if you apply for it. Your experience is there, the qualifications are there, it’s close to where you […]

Applying For Part Time Jobs? Here Are 23 Things To Never Say In Interview

When you are applying for part time jobs, part of the recruitment process will almost always involve an interview. Whilst this is exciting – you have reached that stage of the process so the company must be impressed with what they have seen in your application and your CV – an interview can also be […]

How To Shine In Part Time Job Interviews

The thought of your first part time job interview can make you tremble in your boots. We’ve all felt those nerves, and it’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. The good news is that with solid preparation there really is nothing much to worry about. If you follow these tips for part time job interviews, […]