Working from home has always been a popıular option for people looking for part time work. This has more so been the case since the onset of the pandemic when some people had no choice bıt to work from home.
Some employers have embraced the fact that working from home can be an effective way of working and growing their company so it has become a part of some of the job descriptions out there.
Obviously, not all roles lend themselves to working from home but there are lots of positions that you mşght not have previously considered when it comes to work from home jobs. For some, you will need to have particular skills or expertise but others will suit those of you looking for entry level work.
Before we look at some ideas for part time work from home jobs, first of all, you need to decide if working from home is right for you. Some people find they are more productive when working from home whilst others will really miss the buzz of the workplace and the opportunities to share ideas with others.
Take a look at our article about the pros and cons of working from home.
And then be sure to read our article about how to avoid those work from home scams. There are lots of great work from home jobs out there that can be really rewarding. Make sure you get one of those jobs and don’t fall foul of the scammers.
Part Time Work From Home Job Ideas
So whether you are looking for entry level work or you are hoping to continue in your profession working from home on a part time basis, here are some ideas for roles that lend themselves well to working from home.
Audio Typist – Transcriber
If you have a laptop and a quiet space, then transcription could be a good work from home option.
Whilst this can be entry level work, there are pieces of specialist software and apps that can make your transcription work faster and more accurate.
You will need a good grasp of spelling and grammar to be able to proofread work before sending the transcription back to your client.
Transcription can be an interesting work from home job because you can be transcribing speech about a whole host of subjects.
Most transcription work tends to be freelance and, depending on the client, you will be paid per audio hour.
Social Media
If you are someone who spends a lot of time on social media for fun, why not make it into a paid part time work from home job.
There are lots of ways to make money with your knowledge of social media. If you have experience in digital marketing, you could apply for part time remote roles with companies who are looking for experienced digital marketers.
Other types of social media roles might be casual roles where you do freelance work for small companies or individuals who don’t have time to promote themselves on the various platforms.
A company or individual marketing themselves to a younger crowd, for example, will be able to make use of your video-making expertise for TikTok.
Working with social media means you will need to be able to write content for the relevant audience, changing tone to suit individual social media outlets and audiences.
Again, you just need a laptop and a good internet connection to be able to work part time from home and earn some money from blogging.
Some bloggers work for other people, blogging about the company they are working for and writing content that both promotes the company products and services and that is relevant and interesting for the reader.
Working from home means you can also train yourself and learn some new skills. Build up the skills needed and you could also start to write your own blog and make money from that. Grow a good readership and you could use your blog to make your living.
If you prefer video and audio over the written word, vlogging is the video version of the blog. Use a platform like YouTube to build up a following.
Whether you are building your own blog or vlog, make sure it is a subject that you have a genuine passion in so that you have lots of information to share and you don’t get bored.
Virtual Assistant
If you are an organised person – and good at organising for others – then you could do part time work from home as a virtual assistant. Being a PA without needing to be an office-based workplace.
Virtual assistant roles are often on a part time basis and you will often be self-employed. Most virtual assistants work for an individual or a small business that needs extra help with administrative tasks, email organisation, marketing, making and taking phone calls and diary organisation.
Data Entry
If you are looking for part time entry level work from home jobs, then data entry roles could be perfect for you. You will need good concentration skills and an eye for detail so that you input all the required information accurately.
Most data entry tasks are digital tasks so they lend themselves well to working from home. Freelance positions are often available when smaller businesses need occasional help with adding information to their systems.
Some data entry jobs can be repetitive and for some people, this can be boring but for others, data entry is a great way to earn some extra cash.
If you are a data entry specialist, you will carry out a variety of tasks including analysing the data you are working with.
Content Writer
Content writing will suit budding wordsmiths who want to work from home on a part time basis. The role is about keeping company websites up to date with relevant information and content of varying length.
As well as the actual writing, a good content writer needs to be able to research information around the topic and write a given number of words. The content is usually aimed at creating conversions for the company and boosting the company brand.
Sometimes, content writers will need to be able to work under pressure, depending on the company or person you are writing for. Spme content is timely and needs to be written and published as soon as possible.
As well as blog posts, content writers also create short snippets and long form content.
If you love to write, take a look at some of the other ideas we shared for part time jobs for wordsmiths.
Online Tutor
If you have a specialist subject area that you think could be in demand, then you could earn money working from home as an onlşine tutor. Video calls mean you can still be face to face with your students.
Online tutors can do one on one teaching or have group sessions.
One common way of earning money from tutoring is to teach languages. Teaching English as a foreign language is popular and there are courses you can do to build up your expertise and qualifications so that you can command more money and build your reputation.
As well as the teaching, a good online tutor will evaluate student work, monitor their performance and develop lessons in accordance. You could be teaching any age group from children to adults.
Part time work from home translation jobs can be the perfect – and obvious – solution for those of you who are fluent in a second language.
The work of a translator is important and you will need to be able to translate written text from one language into another.
Translators work on all types of documents and some specialise in particular text such as legal documents, medical text or business documents.
Translators often translate work from another language that they are fluent in, to text in their native language. This is because interpretation is often required when translating so that the tone of the text and any idioms or slang are used appropriately in the translated text.
Translators often work on a freelance basis and it can be an ideal work from home job. Whilst it might take a whole to build up a portfolio, once you have built up a good reputation, you could be getting regular work, especially if your particular language is in demand.
Whether you have children of your own to care for or you love to be around children, why not consider work from home jobs as a childminder?
Whilst many childminders work long hours to accommodate parents who work full time, there are options for those who want to work part time. It could be looking after the children of friends, for example, on a casual basis, whilst they have a night out or need to leave theşr children with you for other reasons.
If you want to set yourself up as a registered childminder, looking after children under the age of 8 and make a business out of it, you can register with Ofsted or a childmşnder agency.
If you are interested in being a childminder in your own home, there is more information here about the circumstances under which you need to register.
Home-Based Travel Agent
Working from home and travel might seem like the absolute opposite of each other but being a work from home travel agent will really suit those of you with both a passion for travel and a passion for helping others book their dream holiday or necessary business travel.
If you have no experience of working as a travel agent, you will need to complete the relevant training but this is possible through companies that specialise in work from home travel agency jobs.
Some home-based travel agent jobs might be salaried roles where you work for a company whilst others might be a franchise where you work for yourself and earn a commission. Ongoing training is offered by reputable companies and this can be done virtually or in person, depending on the size of the company. Some work from home travel agent jobs will offer discounts on travel or offer travel experiences so that you can better sell your products with first hand knowledge and experience.
Apply For Part Time Work From Home Jobs
Those are just a few part time work from home job ideas where you can earn a living without having to go to a place of work.
Obviously, there are countless other roles out there that lend themselves to remote working and, if you already have a profession, you might be able to adapt this so that you can be based at home. You might also have a hobby that you could make into your own home-based business.
If working from home is for you, take a look to see if there are any work from home jobs being advertised currently.