At UK Part Time Jobs, we have a whole variety of part time opportunities available at any one time. Whilst many jobs are indoors, in offices, warehouses, or industrial plants, for example, not all of us likes to work indoors. Many of us like to be out there, in the fresh air, and the good news is, there are many types of part time work that you can do outdoors.
Outdoor jobs tend to be associated with seasonal work throughout the summer months and, indeed, there is a whole host of opportunity out there for those that like the idea of working for a few weeks or months doing temping jobs throughout the British summer.
However, not all jobs outdoors are seasonal. There are lots of part time jobs out there that are on a permanent basis and while some of you might relish the idea of working outdoors throughout the year, for others, it’s a point to bear in mind. We all know what the weather is like in the United Kingdom and winter days can be cold and wet, daylight hours are short and you could find yourself either working in those conditions or laid off for a period until the weather is safe for you to work again.
But, it’s not all doom and gloom and part time outdoor jobs can be great fun, whether they are temporary roles or permanent. Whether you have specialisms, particular qualifications or you are looking for entry level roles that will give you a bit of extra cash for travel and work experience, let’s take a look at a few ideas you could consider for outdoor work.
Working Outdoors – Part Time Farm Jobs
There are lots of different types of farm jobs that could be available to those of you looking to to do outdoor work on a part time basis. Farm work is very hands on and all about getting stuck in. This type of work is also likely to be physically demanding so a certain level of physical fitness will be necessary and, no doubt, lots of early mornings. But, if it’s the summer months and you enjoy life in an agricultural setting, farm work could be the ideal type of summer job and, if you do want more long term work, there could be openings throughout the year, too.
Summer jobs and other outdoor part time jobs on farms are not just about fruit picking. Other harvesting work could be available that might see you driving tractors. Perhaps you would like to work with livestock, and if this is the case, you could be helping with herding sheep, pigs or cows, for example.
Part time, outdoor work on farms could be good if you are looking for entry level work and, of course, if you have previous experience or relevant qualifications, more specialised or senior roles could be available on some farms.
Outdoor Jobs With The National Trust
The National Trust operate sites all over the United Kingdom and for those of you looking for summer jobs or part time jobs working outdoors, the National Trust could be an ideal option. The National Trust has a whole variety of jobs and career options out there, from kitchen work to internships for those looking for specialised full time careers.
Outdoor part time jobs that might suit students or those of you who love the idea of working as part of a team of people that looks to preserve Britain’s heritage and countryside could be as a carriage groom, for example, working with horses. Other outdoor part time roles might be: countryside management or conservation, depending on your experience. The National Trust repairs and preserves many of the nation’s public footpaths, for example. You could find yourself working as part of a team in the mountains of Cumbria and elsewhere around the UK, laying stones and cairns to make it safe for fell walkers and trekkers to enjoy the British countryside whilst also preserving it for future generations.
Work Outdoors As A Lifeguard
Sounds like the dream job, doesn’t it, working as a lifeguard; sitting in the sun watching over the beach. Obviously, there is much more to it than that but part time lifeguard jobs will definitely suit those of you who want to work outdoors and if it’s seasonal work you are looking for, opportunities for summer jobs could be available.
Of course, part time, temporary lifeguard jobs are not just about sitting on a high stool catching a few rays. There is a lot of responsibility to the role and previous experience or training and qualifications will be essential. Your job is to ensure the safety of people swimming in the sea, lakes, rivers and swimming pools – a whole variety of environments – and you could be called upon at any time to potentially save someone’s life.
If you are physically fit and a strong swimmer and are looking for part time, seasonal outdoor jobs, working as a lifeguard could be well worth your consideration.
Outdoor Part Time Jobs As A Swimming Instructor
Not all part time jobs as a swimming instructor involve working outdoors but if you have relevant qualifications and are looking for part time summer jobs, there could be work available as a swimming instructor in children’s summer activity camps, for example, or at local outdoor swimming pools around the United Kingdom.
These types of outdoor roles might suit students, young people or those who want to do a bit of travelling. Because part time jobs as a swimming instructor are all about encouraging people to be confident and competent in the water, if you do want to work as a swimming instructor, you will need to be confident when dealing with general public and also be good at inspiring people to swim. Friendly, as well as knowledgeable, is essential, especially if you are working in a summer environment where people are learning to swim, or improving their technique, in a more informal setting.
Working Outdoors As A Site Assistant On A Caravan Site Or Campsite
Static caravan sites and other caravan and camping sites are open throughout the summer months and they can be a great way of earning money via part time summer jobs. Imagine, if you are travelling or you just fancy getting away from it all for a few weeks, caravan and campsite jobs could be ideal for you. You get to be away from home and earn money at the same time whilst working in the outdoors.
Part time outdoor jobs like this tend to be very hands on so a degree of physical fitness will probably be necessary. General maintenance jobs such as keeping gardens tidy and fixing leaky taps or broken doors, for example, could be a part of your daily duties.
Much of the time, jobs like this come with accommodation – that accommodation will likely be on site and could be a caravan, for instance, but a roof over your head whilst earning money at the same time could be very appealing.
Working Outdoors Doing Holiday Park Jobs
Not all jobs at holiday parks are outdoors but if you are keen to be in them open air there are roles – likely to be seasonal jobs – you can do. Part time work at holiday parks can be maintenance and gardening work but holiday parks also tend to offer some type of entertainment and activities for guests. These activities can include activities such as fishing, sailing or outdoor educational programmes, for example, and seasonal staff are often employed to fill these roles.
So, if you want to work outdoors and are looking for temporary seasonal work, holiday park jobs could be ideal for you. Some companies or individual parks will even provide accommodation so you could have a great travel experience by working away from home without the hassle and expense of finding somewhere to live.
Part Time Seasonal Adventure Tour Guide Jobs
While regular tour guides might lead people around cities and significant landmarks (see below), working as an adventure tour guide is going to suit those who love to be in the great outdoors whilst also relishing the adrenalin rush that adventure activities provide.
Adventure tour guides need to be physically fit and also need to be able to remain calm and collected in difficult situations. Not all of the people you are leading on a particular adventure activity might enjoy their experience and they could be fearful – you will need to be the one to be able to encourage them to make that extra step out of their comfort zone.
From trekking to white water rafting and all things in between, whatever your specialism, long work days need to be met with a smile for all and boundless energy. And of course, if you are the adventurous type and have a skill in working with people from all backgrounds, you could even go on to make a permanent career from this.
Part Time & Seasonal Jobs Outdoors As A Tour Guide
So, how’s your knowledge and – perhaps more to the point – how is your memory? If you think you are good at storing information such as facts and figures about about a particular area or significant historic events, then outdoor work as a tour guide could be right up your street.
Part time seasonal jobs throughout the summer months could see you guiding hundreds of tourists, both British and foreign, around the streets of a town or city with major sites. As well as remembering all the stories, facts and figures, however, you are going to need to be a great story teller in order to keep everyone interested and, naturally, you will need to be confident and friendly with all the people you are guiding.
Other duties of a tour guide involve dealing with bookings, booking errors and making sure you haven’t lost anyone en route as you take people around. Those of you fluent in a second language could possibly find more opportunities open to you when looking for outdoor part time work as a tour guide, whether as summer jobs or on a more long term basis.
Seasonal Outdoor Jobs In Summer Activity Camps
The United Kingdom has activity camps which set up over the summer months so that children can be entertained in a constructive way whilst they are on school holidays. There are so many outdoor jobs you can do at activity camps from entry level roles to part time jobs that require qualifications such as sports coaching or being a tour leader. Some activity camps will offer training so these types of temporary positions can be ideal for those of you looking to build up recognised qualifications in a given field.
Outdoor roles at summer activity camps can be ideal for students looking for part time holiday jobs or for those taking some time out. As well as qualifications for some roles, you will also need to be keen to work with children and make them feel encouraged to succeed in tasks that could be way out of their comfort zone.
Some activity camp jobs can be residential whilst others might be day centres where you and the children go home at the end of each day. These are usually multi-activity day camps and are often set up in university grounds and other similar areas. Other types of camp in the United Kingdom include adventure camps which can be residential and some run throughout the year rather than just the summer.
Part Time Outdoor Jobs Street Fundraising For Charities
These days, charities need a whole variety of ways to bring in money to fund their cause or their research and one of the most effective ways for them to get this money is by employing street fundraisers.
Working outdoors as a street fundraiser will more than likely see you working in larger towns and cities around the United Kingdom and your main duty will be to stop passersby in the street to tell them about the charity you are fundraising for and, ultimately, to encourage that person to donate some of their cash. Charities find street fundraising valuable because this is how they attract many of their direct debit donations.
So if you think you’ve got excellent people skills where you can convince members of the general public to donate on a regular basis to a particular charity – perhaps you yourself are passionate about the charity in question – then this might be a fun outdoor part time job for you.
Part Time Theme Park Jobs
The United Kingdom has lots of different types of theme parks dotted all around the nation and if you are looking for part time jobs working in the great outdoors, then jobs in theme parks could be lots of fun. The good thing about work in theme parks is that many roles will suit those of you looking for entry level jobs if you have little or no previous work experience.
Although there could be permanent part time outdoor jobs at theme parks, many opportunities are likely to be seasonal jobs throughout the summer months and roles could be anything from general maintenance work to ride attendants to catering jobs.
As you might expect, working outdoors in theme parks means you will be coming into constant contact with members of the general public. They are attending the theme park to enjoy their time and your role, whatever job you are doing, will be to make sure that experience is always fun so you need to be the sort of person who really enjoys working with the general public.
Part Time Jobs At Festivals & Events
Long hours, lots of hard work…but work that can be lots of fun and these types of jobs can also be ideal for those of you looking for entry level outdoor work. Many outdoor events jobs are summer jobs such as music festivals or large fares and work can include manual jobs such as the actual setting up of the event, ticket checking, catering roles.
If you love to be a part of large sporting or musical events then this type of work could be perfect you and you will be earning money whilst also getting to see your favourite bands or sports stars. Also, part time work such as this can suit you down to the ground if you don’t want to commit to long-term work as many events only last a few days.
Event Stewarding and Security Jobs
As with events jobs mentioned above, event stewarding and security jobs could see you at some of the United Kingdom’s top sporting and musical events, as well as a whole range of other shows and expos. It might be working regular part time hours for a local football team or it could be one off events, depending on the company you work for.
Part time, temporary event stewarding and security jobs can be entry level roles such as manning car parks and checking tickets, or, if you have more experience and qualifications, crowd control and first aid can be amongst your duties. Many companies offer training so you could even build up your skill level whilst you work.
Outdoor Jobs In Gardening
The great thing about gardening jobs is that they can be either be entry level jobs or, if you have previous experience, there could be part time work available in a more senior role such as a supervisory position or working more in design.
When it comes to entry level roles, if you are looking for part time outdoor jobs because you are a student or because you are travelling, gardening jobs can be a good option for you because the summer months are obviously the main time when lawns, plants, flowers, flora and fauna are growing in abundance and temporary seasonal workers are often employed by councils and parks, for example, to help with the extra work. In these type of roles, you may be under the supervision of a more senior gardener.
On a more permanent basis, there could be a lot of opportunity for part time outdoor jobs in the gardening sector for those with more experience or qualifications. Horticulturists and landscapers are often working outdoors, as well as indoors, doing design.
Jobs Outdoors, Labouring
Labouring jobs, either working for big companies or private builders and tradespeople, are going to suit those of you who are physically fit and don’t mind a long day of hard work. Lots of carrying of heavy goods involved and, quite often, climbing ladders and scaffolding. While labouring jobs are not for everyone, for those of you who love to get stuck in, they can be ideal.
While doing part time labouring jobs outdoors in the summer can be fun, just remember that if it’s a long term job that is going to run into winter, there are going to be dark mornings and there could be days where you are unable to work at all due to weather conditions.
Fruit Picking Jobs Outdoors
Fruit picking is another ideal example of part time jobs outdoors for those of you looking for entry level work. Each summer, many part time, seasonal workers are taken on to pick the abundance of fruits that grow in the orchards of Britain. Many of these types of part time job tend to be found in the southern areas of England where the temperatures are more suited to fruit growing.
However, that does not mean you should rule out other areas of the United Kingdom. Other fruits, such as strawberries and rhubarb, for example, are grown elsewhere in the country and, of course, there is always the opportunity of outdoor part time jobs picking and harvesting vegetables such as potatoes and peas.
Many fruit picking jobs outdoors are likely to be throughout the spring and summer months but the harvesting of vegetables can be done at different times of the year and whilst some roles may be indoors (such as packing and distribution), most part time jobs will be outdoors.
Which Part Time Outdoor Jobs Would You Choose?
The list above is just a few of the jobs out there that could see you working part time in the great outdoors rather than being cooped up inside all day. There’s a whole host of opportunity out there from entry level roles to more specialised jobs.
If this article has given you some ideas about working outdoors, why now browse our part time jobs that are currently being advertised to see if there is something to suit you. And if something does catch your eye, make sure you land the job by impressing the panel at interview.