Are you thinking about making the move and changing your current part time job? If so, then no doubt you will have your own personal reasons for wanting to bite the bullet and make a fresh start elsewhere.
There are lots of reasons why people decide to leave their current part time jobs for a new role. What are your reasons? Do any of the reasons in this list match your thoughts?
Reasons Why People Quit Their Part Time Jobs For A New Role
- More money – Some people leave their jobs and find a new one so that they can earn more money than their current wage.
- More opportunity for promotion or staff development – Lots of people leave their jobs because they feel like they are in a dead end role with little chance of progress or promotion. You might be thinking about leaving your current job for more career opportunities elsewhere.
- More flexibility – Lots of people work part time because they need flexibility due to other commitments. If the hours of your part time job are quite rigid with little or no wiggle room, a job offering more flexible ours can seem an attractive option.
- A brand new company – Maybe a brand new company has set up in your area and they are recruiting part time staff and looking for people with your skills. This could be a whole new startup or a well known company that is opening a branch in your area.
- A dislike of the management team – You might think your boss is incompetent or just not a nice person. Time to move on to another job and a more effective management team.
- A more fulfilling role – Maybe you feel like your current part time job is not challenging you enough and you no longer find it stimulating. A more challenging role is what you are looking for.
- A part time job where you feel valued – Perhaps you feel your efforts at your current part time job go unnoticed. You are looking for a new part time where you feel valued by your superiors.
- You don’t feel you fit – For some part time jobs, even if you enjoy the role itself, you might not feel like you fit with the culture of the company or with your colleagues. Perhaps you feel a new start will help you top fit in somewhere else.
- Reduce commuting time – if you are working part time, you don’t want to be spending a big chunk of your time travelling to and from work. You might apply for new part time jobs closer to home.
Those are just some of the reasons why people might want to leave their current part time job and apply for new roles. Perhaps starting afresh is going to be the right thing for you to do – but perhaps not. There are pros and cons to finding new part time jobs. It’s up to you to decide if, in your own personal case, the pros outweigh the cons.
Let’s now take a look at some of the pros and cons of finding a new part time job.
Pros Of Finding A New Part Time Job
Starting with the positives – all the benefits that could come your way if you land yourself a new part time job.
You could increase your salary
Changing your part time job could give you the opportunity to increase your current wage. If you have tried to negotiate a pay rise with your current employer and have not been rewarded with the rise you hoped for, another company might be in a position to offer you more money.
Your current company might have simply refused to give you a pay rise or they might just not be in a position to be able to offer you one right now. Depending on your circumstances, a move to a new part time job might be the best option.
You could earn promotion
Working part time doesn’t mean you can’t pursue a career and look to improve yourself. This could be in the way of promotion. If you feel you have been overlooked for promotion within your current company or if you work in a place where you feel there is no room for promotion then moving on could give you other opportunities.
You could apply for positions that are already a step up the ladder from what you are already doing or you might move to another company offering a similar role to what you are already doing but which promises room for a move up the career ladder in the future.
If you are hoping to work full time in the future, your move could give you the promotion you would like and also the full time hours.
Broaden your experiences
For some of you, you might be serial part time job hoppers. This could be because you like to do part time temporary jobs or seasonal work. Or, you might just get itchy feet quite easily and you like to move around.
Working in various part time roles in this way means you can get a variety of experiences, seeing how different companies and workplaces operate. You also get to work with different people from various backgrounds and this, in turn can give you new ideas for your own way of working.
Part time job hopping also means you will build up a whole cross section of skills that you can use to your benefit in other roles. It could also give you an idea of the type of full time career you might like to pursue in the future.
Feel fresh
A new part time job can make you feel refreshed and energised. Perhaps your old position had become a bit stake and you didn’t feel challenged or motivated. A new part time job could give you a whole new lease of lğife where you feel energised to be a different setting – a new place where you can try to impress your new employers and share ideas with your new colleagues.
Be there from the beginning
Some new part time jobs might look attractive because the role could be with a brand new company. You might really like the idea of being there from the beginning and being a part of the development of this new and innovative company.
This could be a place where all the staff are, like you, new and you can all share your ideas and be valued.
An ego boost
Not just an ego boost but also a confidence booster. If you apply for a new job and you land the role above many other applicants, this can make you feel wanted and appreciated. Someone has recognised your skills and think you will be an asset to their company.
Other perks and benefits
It’s not all about the money. In fact, research shows that money isn’t the main reason for people moving jobs. So, another benefit of moving to a new part time job could be the other perks that are offered by the employer.
This could be perks such as flexible hours, the opportunity to work from home or time off for big sporting events and other activities or work hours during term time so that you can look after your children during the school holidays. Applying for a new part time job can give you a better work life balance.
A motivated team
Another pro to leaving your current role and moving to a new part time job is to work with new, motivated colleagues. At your current job, you might feel like you’re working with a toxic team who gossip about each other or you might have lazy coworkers. You could even have a boss who you don’t like or consider to be incompetent.
A new part time job could rid you of all this and give you a fresh start – meaning you look forward to going to work again.
Reduce travel time
Is your current part time job too much of a commute? Applying for new part time jobs can bring you a bit closer to home. Not only does this reduce your commuting time, the knock on effect means you have more time during the working day to do other things.
It could also benefit you financially because you might be able to reduce your travel costs. Even better if your new job is within walking distance. This means no travel costs and you get to exercise, too. Those 10,000 steps a day are, all of a sudden, easy to tick off.
The Cons Of Taking On A New Part Time Job
No we’ve dealt with those positives of applying for new part time job, let’s take a look at some of the potential hazards it could throw your way.
Is part time job hopping a good idea?
You might get lots of different experiences but part time job hopping could actually come back to bite you. Eventually, your CV is going to be cluttered with lots of part time jobs and dates.
Rather than it looking like you have a good amount of work experience, it can ring alarm bells for your future potential employers. If they see a cluttered CV, they will know you move around from job to job. They want to employ someone who is going to stay with the company for a while rather than leaving after a few weeks or months.
So, if you do like a regular change of scenery, try to stick to temporary roles that end after a certain period. You can then explain on your CV that those jobs were for fixed temporary terms and you didn’t simply leave because you wanted a change of scenery.
Does the actual job fit what it promises in the job ad?
A well written job advert is also there to promote the company who are advertising the job. And, of course, they want to promote themselves in a good light so that they can attract quality applicants.
If you do see a great ad for a part time job and you decide you want to apply for it, make sure you read through the ad and any extra information that is on offer very carefully. Make sure you research the company, too, to check that they are a good match for your skills and also your personality.
Sometimes, the grass is not greener on the other side. Don’t give up a perfectly good part time job before you are sure about the new role you are considering applying for.
Are you ready to be the new kid on the block?
One of the pros to starting a new part time job (as mentioned above) is getting in the re to impress your new employers and sharing ideas with colleagues. The flip side to that is not everyone finds it so easy to settle in to a new role quickly.
When you apply for a new job, you need to make friends all over again. You need to spend time working out the layout of your workplace and how everything works.
For some people, they might love the new challenge but for others, this can be daunting. This could especially be the case if your new place of work has a strong team of staff who have worked together for many years. It might be difficult to slot yourself into that team.
A promotion might not be the best move
If you are changing your part time job because you want to apply for a more senior position, make sure you are going to benefit from this. A promotion does not always mean more money for your efforts. You could be moving into a part time role that carries with it more pressures and responsibilities and not receive the financial benefits as a result.
Rather than rising to the challenge, your promotion can leave you feeling stressed and tired and this can impact on your life outside of the workplace, too.
Is your exciting new company built to last?
You might be thinking about applying for a new part time job because there is a brand new start up in your area and you want to be part of the team that was there from the beginning.
Whilst this can seem exciting and a whole new challenge where you can share ideas with a brand new team who are all motivated, do your research first. Make sure this new company has a good chance of success in the sector it is operating in. You don’t want to find yourself out of a job because the company has closed almost as soon as it has started.
Alternatively, if the company is small and relatively new, if you were the most recent recruit and the company needs to make some redundancies for whatever reason, you could be the first person they have to let go. A ‘last in, first out’ scenario.
Will You Apply For A New Part Time Job?
So, what’s it to be? Would the pros outweigh the cons for you? If you do want to change your part time job, read our tips on handing in your notice and also take a look to see if there are any new and exciting part time vacancies out there for you. You could soon be working in your dream part time job.