Okay, so all your research around part time jobs has now paid off. You applied for all the vacancies that interested you and, hey presto, got yourself an interview for a really good part time post. Because you had done your homework and taken the interview seriously – maybe you even read our post about how to shine in part time job interviews – later on at home, the phone rings. It’s good news!The voice on the other end of the line confirms that you have finally landed yourself a part time job…
Preparing For Your First Day In A Part Time Job
You’ve Got The Job – How To Deal With The Telephone Conversation
When you are talking on the phone, it can be difficult to remember everything the person on the other end of the line is saying to you. They may have caught you unawares and, of course, you will no doubt be excited and rightly proud of yourself for your achievement. To save panic and worry later, keep a pad and pen by the phone so that you can listen calmly to what your new employers are saying to you and you can take notes at the same time so that everything doesn’t disappear as your mind races.
And the pad doesn’t have to be a blank piece of paper. If you have unanswered questions about your first day in a part time job, this is the time to ask those questions. No need to worry about looking silly – on the contrary – your employers will probably be impressed that you are putting thought into this and being proactive. A few questions you could ask, for example are:
- What should I wear for my first day in a part time job?
- Where do I need to go when I arrive for work at my new part time job?
- Is there someone in particular I should report to? (Make a note of their name and position, if so.)
- What time do you need to arrive for my first day at work? (Depending on the nature of your part time job, on your first day, you might be asked to arrive slightly earlier than normal so that you can be shown the ropes.)
It’s very often the case that the night before your first day in a part time job is a sleepless one – at best, you get fitful sleep – because of nerves and anticipation about what your first day at work holds. The more answered questions you can get before you start, the better.
Research Your New Company
A little bit of research on the company before you go in to work on that first morning will not only impress your new employers, but it will also make you feel a bit more confident in asking focused, relevant questions about the firm. Your employers and other members of staff will be expecting you to ask questions – after all, it’s your first day – so never worry about asking them. If you find any specific bits of information about the company you are going to work for, before your first day, you could even plan some questions in advance around these subjects and drop them into the conversation where it seems appropriate.
The First Morning Of Your Part Time Job
Get up early and have a good breakfast
So, after a night of tossing and turning, the alarm clock goes off (yes, just as you’ve dropped off into a deeper sleep) and it’s time to get up and get organised. Much of this advice might seem obvious but it is amazing how easy it is to forget all about it. First things first, get up early so you’re not rushing around – you are going to be stressed out enough as it is without adding to it just because you couldn’t get out of bed just a few minutes earlier.
You want to feel your best on your first day in a part time job, so, if you are the sort of person who feels better after blow drying and styling your hair or spending much longer in the shower than anyone else in your family, give yourself enough time to do that. The last thing you need on your first day at work is to be feeling not quite right because you’ve missed out on a bit of your regular grooming routine.
If you usually eat breakfast, try to eat breakfast. We all know how nervous we can be on a first day at work and maybe breakfast is the last thing you want to be eating but once you’re at work and that anticipation is passing, a rumbling tummy and feeling hungry isn’t ideal. Just remember though, if you do manage to eat something before you leave, have a quick look in the mirror before you leave. Toast crumbs or bits of fruit stuck in your teeth are not going to make you feel great if someone at your new job points it out to you.
How To Decide What To Wear
Just remember that you are not alone. Everyone has to get through that dreaded first day in a part time job; even your new boss had to have a first day at some time previously. Obviously, it depends on the type of part time post you are starting but make sure you are dressed appropriately for the position. If you have been looking for part time jobs in particular roles where a uniform is necessary then obviously, these little nagging worries are taken away from you. You’ve either been given you uniform already or you’ll be picking it up when you arrive.
If your interview for your new part time job was actually in the place of work, a bit of glancing around the workplace will have given you some sort of idea of what people wear while they’re at work. If you did notice what the staff were wearing when you went for your interview, wear something similar. Clothes can make you feel the part, not just for the job you are doing but also as one of the team, so you’ll feel good when you get there.
There are some offices these days, for instance, that positively encourage casual dress – jeans and t-shirts can be the norm. If you arrive in your best office suit, while it’s not going to reflect badly on you, you’re hardly going to blend in with the crowd. Likewise, if you’ve worked somewhere where dress was casual and your new job requires smart dress, this could reflect badly on you if you arrive in inappropriate clothing.
Of course, as we said above, this could also be one of the questions you can ask over the phone when you are offered the job. This is especially important if your interview took place off site and you really have no idea about the company culture or policy for dress.
Leave in good time
First impressions count. Make sure you leave the house in good time because the last thing you want for your first day of your new part time post is to be late. Show your new employers how seriously you are taking your job by being punctual. Carry this into the first few weeks as well. Not just your first day.
Setting off in good time is going to relieve a lot of unnecessary extra stress if you get stuck in traffic for example. The last thing you need to is to be feeling road-rage because you’re sitting in a queue of unmoving traffic or because someone has cut you up and nipped in front of you. And you never know who is in the traffic queue with you. It could be your new boss. Do you really want to be swearing and gesticulating at everyone in the queue…including your new boss?
A good tip is to do a dummy run to your new workplace before you start on your first day. Leave home so that you arrive at your workplace around the time you should start work. This should give you a rough idea of where the rush hour traffic jams (if there are any) are likely to be, if there are any roadworks you need to take into consideration and any subsequent diversions.
Your First Day In The Workplace
It’s likely that most of the first day of your part time job is going to be taken up by staff showing you round the place. Don’t worry. They will know you are nervous so all you need to do is take a deep breath and put that smile on your face. You have a right to be happy because you have been chosen over other candidates for this job. Make eye contact with all the people and be polite to everyone when speaking to them.
But, just because you have applied for part time jobs, don’t take the job casually. Show you are keen and capable by having a pen and paper to hand and taking notes. It’s a lot to take in and can be overwhelming but those notes will help you later and impress others. Yes, you will still need to ask questions later and this is expected – don’t be scared to ask questions, but the more independent you can be, the better.
Your notepad can also be useful for writing down people’s names and positions so you can get to know the staff easier. Obviously, this will be made a lot easier if you’ve applied for a part time post where people wear name badges!
It,s also important to remember that each workplace has its own way of doing things so let people help you sometimes, even if you think you know what you’re doing. They’ll be happier, too, that they’ve helped you and if you refuse help all the time, it can sometimes come across that you are being standoffish with your new workmates or that you are being over-confident. Even if you have lots of experience under your belt in doing the job in another workplace, be sure to take note of the subtleties in the different ways of doing things. If you go steam rollering in and start to do things in your own way while dismissing how your new workmates have advised you to do it, it probably won’t go down to well.
Your First Day At Work In Part Time Jobs – A Summary
So the main points to remember about your first day in a new part time position are:
- look smart – or wear clothing appropriate to the job you are doing.
- be punctual – positive first impressions are important.
- look capable – if you want to go that extra mile on your first day, if there is something that needs to be done before you leave at the end of your shift, do it. Those extra 15 minutes spent finishing a task before you go home will show the company how seriously you are taking your part time job and how committed you are to working for the company and being a valuable member of the team.
And, of course, it’s not only your first day in a part time job which is important. The coming weeks and months are going to be the ones where you can really prove your worth in your part time role. Whether you are working in part time jobs for flexible hours, an improvement in work life balance or because you are hoping your job will lead on to a future full time career, give any extra help you can where it is needed and you will soon be a valued member of the team. If you are getting on well with your new workmates, your social life might also become a regular feature in dates for your diary.
So, now all that’s left for you to do is to enjoy the future challenges of your part time role so that you can learn and grow and give yourself the best opportunities in your new workplace!