If you sign up with UK Part Time Jobs, then you’ll gain FREE access to a number of cool and very useful features which will help you find part time jobs much quicker and fill out applications for them with the minimum of fuss.
Our tools for part time job searches and applications take the stress out of the whole process and put you – the part time job seeker – back in charge.
We know what your biggest problems are when you’re trying to find part time jobs, so we’ve found you the most powerful solutions…
Job Seeker Problem #1 – I Don’t Know How To Make A Good CV
CVs can be tricky things to get right, and lots of people tremble at the very idea of having to make their own CV.
What things do you put on a CV? How long should the ideal CV be? What sort of format and layout does a CV need to have? What skills and previous work experience do I need to put in there?…
All good questions – and ones that make many part time job seekers feel like just giving it all up. But, luckily for you, we have a great solution…
Our Job Seeker Solution #1 – We Can Help You Knock Up A CV
First of all, even if you don’t sign up with us, we have lots of advice about CVs for part time jobs – so that should help you decide on the right things to put into your CV at the outset.
But we can help you much more than that if you sign up to use our job seeker tools. Once you’ve filled out your profile, our system can generate a clean, stylish, modern CV which you can then download – or use as-is for online job applications.
And, if you already have some sort of CV to work with (even if it’s out-of-date) you can upload that at the sign-up stage to auto-fill sections of your profile – saving you lots of time. Or, if you already have a LinkedIn profile then you can sign up using that, and your UK Part Time Jobs profile could be auto-populated by up to 70%. And you can also use our Profile Wizard to guide you step-by-step.
All of that info can then be used to easily generate your perfect part time jobs CV in no time at all!
Job Seeker Problem #2 – It Takes Forever To Fill Out Job Applications
Yep, it can sure take a long time to fill out job applications for part time jobs with the same details over and over and over and over again…
Fortunately, once you’ve signed up with UK Part Time Jobs, there’s a much more efficient way of going about what is normally a tedious process…
Our Job Seeker Solution #2 – The Tracklet
Oh we love the little Tracklet!
You eager part time job seekers can use the Tracklet to apply for vacancies at the speed of light with auto-populating application forms. You can also use the Tracklet to track opportunities, retrieve previous cover letters & CVs, and to email recruiters on the fly.
This deceptively powerful tool grabs your part time job search and mobilizes it across the whole of the internet. All you need to do is to install the Tracklet – with nothing more than a simple drag and drop – and then it’s always there in your browser’s bookmarks bar whenever you need it.
When you see a job posted on the internet which you might fancy applying for, simply click your Tracklet bookmark to access the full functionality of UK Part Time Jobs facilities.
Choose “Track” and the vacancy will be automatically added to your UK Part Time Jobs ‘Job Manager’ area. You can then review and update the information from your dashboard at any time in the future.
The “Email” option on the Tracklet tool allows part time job hunters to message an employer right there and then about their part time vacancy. Enter a message – and attach one of your previously knocked-up CVs if you like – and get your email off to the recruiter in the click of a button.
Job Seeker Problem #3 – I Can’t Find Relevant Part Time Vacancies
Yes, it can be difficult to find the sort of part time job opportunities that you’d be most interested in. And, let’s face it, if you apply for jobs that you have no interest in, then you are more than likely going to waste both your own time – and your potential employer’s time too.
It’s bad enough if you are just applying for irrelevant part time jobs that you wouldn’t be interested in, but it can be much worse if, by some fluke, you actually manage to land the job and then end up hating it. That can only lead to a terrible relationship between you and your employer from the outset, and leave things waiting to spiral out of control.
So, it’s much better all round if you are finding the right sort of part time job opportunities heading your way right from the get-go….
Our Job Seeker Solution #3 – WE Find The Most Suitable Vacancies For YOU!
Our ‘Suggested Jobs Feed’ is always there waiting for you with the opportunities which you will be the most interested in. You don’t need to go out looking for relevant vacancies – because we’ve already found them.
Once you’ve filled out your profile, we have a good idea about the sort of part time vacancies you will be interested in, so we throw them all your way in an uncluttered way. There will be no need for you to sift through potential jobs you aren’t interested in, because we’ll already have done that for you…
Our Suggested Jobs are matched right up to your skills, CV and profile information, so we should be able to find some perfect part time job opportunities in your area.
Job Seeker Problem #4 – Help! I Need More Guidance
Applying for jobs is not easy – and, especially for young people who are just looking to take their first steps into the world of work, it can feel like there is nobody out there to help you. There’s plenty of careers advice hanging around on the internet, but much of it is conflicting – so who do you trust?
Our Job Seeker Solution #4 – Unbiased Tips At Each Application Stage
Yes, that’s right! We can offer tips at each stage of the application progress so that you can optimise your chances in the part time jobs search.
We don’t want to patronise you, but, if you really aren’t sure what you should be doing, then our handy hints will keep all of your applications on track.
We provide tips for you at each step of the process – starting right from the research stage, through to the application stage, and onwards and upwards to the final interview stage.
Job Seeker Problem #5 – It’s Impossible To Apply For Jobs On A Smartphone
So, we’ve made it really easy for you to apply for part time jobs from your computer – but, let’s face it, you aren’t sat at your laptop or PC 24 hours a day.
You’re out and about around town – shopping, on the bus, in the pub, at your friend’s house etc – so you don’t always have access to your PC or laptop. But, you’ll almost always have your smartphone or tablet with you.
What if you spot a vacancy you fancy – or you get an email or job alert about an opportunity and you can’t get to your computer? Isn’t it an absolute pain to try to fill out forms and send out applications from your mobile phone?
Well, yes – it usually is…
But you know us well enough by now…we’ve found a solution for that problem too!
Our Job Seeker Solution #5 – Our Mobile-Responsive Design
We’re living in an increasingly mobile world, and we know that you need to be able to apply for part time jobs on the fly…
That’s why we use the latest mobile-friendly technology to help part time job seekers like you to search for, track AND apply for the latest vacancies on ANY screen size.
From the smallest mobile phones to the latest smartphones – and from tablets to laptops to PCs – the UK Part Time Jobs site is ultra-responsive, user-friendly and highly usable on any and every device.
Job Seeker Problem #6 – I Can’t Keep On Top Of Applications
We know the script….
We’ve already helped you to create a winning CV which has helped you find tons of part time job vacancies that you’re interested in…
We’ve helped you to make the applications and we’ve helped you to secure some interviews…
Your new problem is that you’ve now got part time job opportunities coming out of your ears! You can’t remember where you’ve applied to, which stage you’re up to, and where you are supposed to be going for the interview – never mind who will be interviewing you!
How will you ever keep a lid on all of these new opportunities that are coming your way?
Our Job Seeker Solution #6 – The Job Manager
Our ‘Job Manager’ takes care of all of that for you!
The Job Manager tool – free to anyone who has been savvy enough to sign up with UK Part Time Jobs – organises, stores and tracks all of your part time job application details so that you don’t need to even think about. The Job Manager puts all of your latest application information in once place so that you can access everything in a highly convenient and organised way.
It’s got all of your important dates, contact details and any additional research notes that you’ve made, all there at your fingertips…
The Job Manager lets you search and sort through your database of jobs, meaning you will never be scrambling around for information when an employer from a job you applied to three months ago finally calls!
There is also a Messages tool which lets candidates receive messages directly from employers, as well as apply by email. Every email sent from the Messages tool can include a saved cover letter and attach a resume, and be tracked in the Job Manager. This means every opportunity can be tracked, so job seekers like you know exactly where you’ve applied and who you’ve emailed.
Sign Up For FREE Access To Our UK Part Time Job Search Tools
So, what are you waiting for? Are you ready to take a tour of your new job seeker dashboard? With just your name, email address and a password, you can get started today.
Sign up now with UK Part Time Jobs and use our free job seeker tools to get your search for flexible work off to an absolute flier…