There are lots of routes you can take when looking for part time jobs, depending on how you want to shape your future career and where your strengths and interests lie.
When you are looking for part time work, there are some sectors that tend to advertise more part time roles than others. This is due to the nature of the industry and how it works.
If you are looking for the type of part time work that could offer you flexible hours; varying hours such as evenings, nights and weekends; extra shifts or even part time seasonal work, the warehousing and logistics sector could be the perfect place for you to begin your part time job hunt.
The great thing about warehouse jobs and working in storage is that there are so many types of part time jobs you could do – some you might not have even considered as being part of this sector.
If you have little or no work experience, this sector has various entry level roles that you could do to get a foot in the door and also to see if this is the type of environment to suit you. Of course, there will also be roles on offer that require qualifications specific to the role you want to do.
A few points to bear in mind with part time storage warehousing jobs:
- As well as being required to do shift work, many warehouse jobs will require you to be physically fit. There is a lot of lifting and carrying and many warehouse workers cover miles of walking during their shifts.
- Depending on what the warehouse is storing, you may also be working in special environments such as refrigerated conditions.
- Warehouses and distribution centres are often built on sites away from urban centres. Public transport links may be minimal or non-existent around these areas so you might need your own transport.
Whether entry level warehousing and storage jobs or a part time role where you can use and develop existing skills and qualifications, this sector could be ideal for building a career where you continue to work part time hours or where you can go on to develop a full time career.
What Type Of Work Is Warehousing?
So, if you are looking for part time work, let’s take a look at some of the jobs you could do when it comes to warehouse work.
We will look at some of the job titles you might come across and the duties you would have to carry out if you did those jobs.
Warehouse Operative
If you are looking for part time entry level jobs, then warehouse operative jobs could be perfect for you. Warehouse operative jobs are ideal for those of you looking for part time work to tide you over for a while or to get some work experience on your CV.
Warehouse operative jobs are also a perfect stepping stone if you are looking to get a foot on the ladder and eventually take on more responsibility in the warehousing and distribution sector. This can be your first step to a successful full time career.
Depending on where you are working, the duties of a warehouse operative can include:
- Moving goods to the correct storage areas. These goods can sometimes be heavy.
- Monitoring of stock levels using the appropriate software and hardware used by the company.
- Monitoring of stock damage – checking the quality of the stock.
- Reporting any problems to supervisors.
- Picking and packing orders to get them ready for delivery.
- Loading and unloading delivery vehicles.
A warehouse operative might also be called warehouse assistant, picker/packer, warehouse worker, warehouse packer.
Look out for the different job titles when you are applying for work so that you don’t miss out on potential roles.
Forklift Truck Driver
Part time warehouse jobs that offer a higher hourly rate of pay can be in roles where you have more responsibility and skills.
If you have experience of warehouse jobs, you might be given the opportunity to train for and be awarded a licence for being a forklift truck driver.
Forklift truck drivers are responsible for moving bulky or heavy items around the warehouse. They also load and unload vehicles.
Because you are in control of machinery in the workplace, you will need excellent communication skills, coordination skills and you must also take safety in the workplace very seriously.
Not all forklift trucks are the same, so part time forklift truck operators also need to be able to learn the controls of unfamiliar machinery quickly.
Inventory Assistant
Part time inventory assistant jobs in warehouses have a certain degree of responsibility because you will be responsible for keeping control of stock in the warehouse. What arrives, what leaves and what is in the building.
Inventory assistants assist the inventory manager and need to be able to use whatever software and hardware the company utilises for keeping a track on warehouse stock.
Warehouse jobs as an inventory assistant will also require you to physically move goods around the warehouse to the relevant places and, depending on the nature of the company, also place goods on the sales floor or shelving displays.
You will also assist with loading and unloading goods from distribution vehicles.
When new goods arrive at the warehouse, it is the job of the inventory assistant to log what has arrived and also to inspect those goods for any damage. You will also make sure the correct goods have arrived.
Part time warehouse jobs as an inventory assistant will mean you have had some warehouse work experience in the past. Or you have worked in similar roles in the past such as roles in the retail sector.
Because you are dealing with numbers and stock management, employers look for someone who is computer literate and organised. You will also need to be physically fit so that you can move goods around the warehouse.
Of course, if you have previous work experience in a warehouse setting or in retail as an inventory assistant, you might be able to take on more responsibility and take on part time inventory management roles. This might be possible as a job share.
Warehouse Supervisor
If you have previous experience in warehouse jobs or other similar roles, then you might want to consider taking on more responsibility by applying for warehouse supervisor jobs.
Since people have been returning to the workplace following the pandemic, warehouse supervisors have been in demand so now could be a perfect time to start your hunt for a part time role.
What Is The Role of a Warehouse Supervisor?
If you do warehouse supervisor jobs, what would your shift look like each day?
Obviously, there will be some differences depending on the type of warehouse or storage centre you work in and the products it receives, stores and delivers.
Also, in some warehouses, you may be responsible for tasks that in other warehouses, the warehouse manager is responsible for. If you do apply for part time warehouse supervisor roles, read the joıb description carefully so that you will know what is expected of you.
Generally speaking, most warehouse supervisor roles are similar in their responsibilities.
- You will need good leadership skills as it will be your responsibility to make sure your team of warehouse operatives are on task and reaching their targets. You will also need to be aware of the relevant health and safety procedures for your particular warehouse and make sure your team of staff are working within those rules and guidelines.
- A warehouse supervisor needs excellent communication skills as you will be liaising with your tema and also warehouse management. Warehouse supervisor jobs mean you will also need to liaise with distribution and retail teams as goods are delivered and received.
- As a warehouse supervisor, it will be your responsibility to make sure goods are being stored correctly and packaging for delivery and storage has been properly applied along with necessary labelling for storage and transportation.
- You will be required to use the software used by the particular company you work for to keep track of goods incoming, stored and outgoing.
- Any problems within the warehouse need to be reported to the warehouse manager.
- As a warehouse supervisor, you might be on interview panels for hiring new recruits and you might also be required to arrange training and induction periods when new staff have been taken on. This can also include seasonal staff and other temporary staff as well as those doing permanent jobs.
- Arranging shifts for your team is also often part of the job of the warehouse supervisor.
These are just a few of the roles you could be doing if you apply for part time warehouse jobs. As you can see, there are roles for those of you looking for entry level jobs and also roles for those of you with more experience.
Warehouse jobs are also definitely worth considering if you are someone who wants to do seasonal work for whatever reason. Warehouses around the country often recruit seasonal and temporary staff to cover their busy periods. These periods differ depending on the nature of the business.
So what are you waiting for? Take a look at current vacancies and see if there are any suitable part time warehouse jobs close to you. Find something you like, nail that cover letter for your application and land an interview!
You could be on the road to a successful career in storage and warehousing. And if you are looking for temporary seasonal work but you don’t think warehouse work is going to suit your skills, take a look at our other ideas for the types of seasonal jobs out there.