Coming up to the New Year, January is all about new beginnings. Whilst we’re starting to think about trying to shake off the excesses of December, it’s a time where we might sit down and create goals for ourselves. For many, that might be joining the gym to shed some extra pounds and get fit – we all know gym memberships rocket in the first month of any year, don’t we? Other new year’s resolutions are often based around diet. A resolution to eat more healthily and to cut out those snacks we can’t resist.
But what about those other New Year’s resolutions? If you are reading this, chances are you are thinking about looking for part time work. After all, that is what this site is all about. There are many reasons why people look for part time jobs:
- You might be working full time and you are looking to improve your work life balance by working less hours.
- You might have a part time job and you are thinking about adding another role to your tally. We’ve written before about the challenges and advantages of having multiple part time jobs.
- You might be studying or retraining and you need a bit of extra cash to fund your studies.
- You might be a parent who wants to work a few hours a week whilst the kids are at school.
- You might be someone who hasn’t worked in a while, for whatever reason, and you are lacking the confidence to get back out there into full time work. A part time job could be your stepping stone.
Of course, there are lots of other reasons for looking for part time jobs – these are just a few – but if you are pondering a job hunt, why not make it your New Year’s resolution to start that part time job hunt, right now? There’s no time like the present.
But I Don’t Know Where To Start
If you already have a trade, profession or qualification and you have experience in those fields then you might well be looking for part time jobs that relate to those skills and that’s great. Part time jobs can also be careers, too. Just because you are reducing your hours of work doesn’t mean you have to do entry level roles.
The UK Part Time Jobs website advertises many part time vacancies that could well suit you down to the ground. Take a look. If there is something to suit you that is also within commutable distance for you, then why wait? Kick that New Year’s Resolution into action now. Take the plunge and apply for those positions.
But what about if you feel all at sea? Maybe you don’t have much (or any) previous work experience or perhaps you’ve done part time jobs before that you have found unfulfilling. If you think you fall into this category, take a pen and paper and make a list. Also ask yourself some questions.
Why do you want part time jobs?
Your reasons for looking for part time work can help you decide the types of roles to apply for.
- If it’s to build up some work experience, you could think about applying for different entry level part time jobs.
- If it’s so you can leave the house for a few hours a day whilst the kids are at school then you might need to narrow your search to roles that are suited to term time or school hours. Voluntary work as well as paid work might be worth thinking about.
- If you are retraining by doing courses at a university, college or training centre, how about looking for some part time jobs that relate to that subject? Great for your CV when yoıu come to start your new career.
What are your strengths?
This is where you can take that pen and paper and sing your own praises. Don’t over think it. Just start jotting down whatever it is you think you are good at. Are you a good people person? Do you love everything to be organised – a place for everything and everything in its place? Do you love flexibility where you can just dip in and out of activities? Have you got any particular craft or art skills? Have you got a passion for keeping yourself fit? Do you love being outdoors?
Whatever you come up with on your list that relates to your circumstances and your strengths and skills, then we are no longer all at sea. You have got some solid information to go off there and you can now use this to help you decide the types of part time work you would be capable of and that you could find rewarding. And you never know; you might really surprise yourself with the list you have come up with. From that list, a type of job that you had never previously thought about might reveal itself. A eureka moment!
What is your experience?
It’s not all jobs, but for many part time jobs there is no denying the fact that employers like to see some previous work experience on your CV or application form. If you have that experience then obviously, that’s great and you can highlight this with the duties you were responsible for and any transferrable skills you think might be relevant.
Getting your foot in the door and landing that first job – even entry level jobs – can be difficult sometimes, but it is by no means impossible. Don’t be disheartened if you have never had a job.
If you are yet to experience the world of work, on your list, jot down any experience you think you could have for the types of roles you are looking for. Transferrable skills are developed in many different environments and you can use these to impress on your application form or at interview. Can you come up with examples of occasions where you have been responsible for others, times where you had to multitask, where you have had to work as part of a team to complete a challenge, or times where you had to think on your feet and make an independent decision.
Read the job descriptions
When part time jobs are advertised, employers are obviously looking for a particular type of person to fill their roles. You have your list in front of you. If you are still not sure what type of part time roles to apply for in 2017, why not browse through a few of the vacancies on UK Part Time Jobs? Have a look at some of the job descriptions on there and the types of personality and skills employers are looking for. Can you make a match between those requirements and what is on your list?
Make 2017 The Year You Found Your Perfect Part Time Job
So, as we come to the end of 2016, have you made your New Year’s Resolutions? Have you committed to finding your dream part time job in 2017? If you are still not sure what type of work you would like to do or what your best options are, there are lots of articles in this advice section that give you tips for various situations.
If interviews have been your downfall in previous job applications, read our advice about how you can shine during that process, giving you a better chance of getting the job. We’ve also got tips about getting your application spot on, too, as well as different types of jobs you could do. Have a browse through the articles already in the advice section and, of course, we’ll have many more coming throughout 2017 where you can find hints and tips about the world of part time jobs. Bring on 2017!