Are you considering looking for a new part time job in 2022? If you’re answering yes to that question then you are one of thousands of people in the UK who will think about – and go through with – changing their current job.
As we come out of the pandemic, the adaptations people were forced to make to their lives during lockdowns and being furloughed has meant that lots of people have changed their outlook on life.
Some of you might be looking to leave full time employment and work fewer hours in a part time role so that your work life balance is improved.
Others of you might be tired of the commute to work so you want to make your day shorter by applying for part time work closer to home.
Indeed, some of you might not want to leave home, at all, to do your part time job. This is a key trend that is expected to continue in 2022 – more of you are looking to work from home, whether that be exclusively or in a hybrid role where you go to the office occasionally.
And now, in 2022, with employers looking to fill numerous vacancies, you, as job applicants, have more leverage when it comes to any negotiations in interview as to what you are looking for from your part time role.
Let’s take a closer look at how jobs will change in 2022 as we emerge from the pandemic. And let’s also take a look at which sectors might be the best areas to look for work when it comes to changing your job.
The Great Resignation
Many employment analysts are predicting that the Great Resignation which began during the pandemic is set to continue throughout 2022 with well over half of employees thinking of quitting their current position and striking out to do something new.
Perhaps due to furlough or people needing to move the office from the place of work to the home, employees are feeling less connection to their job and their workplace. This obviously makes it easier for people to consider a change.
In the past, people who wanted to resign from their current role and try something new might have been out off because they feel connected to their job. Not just the job they did but the place of work, the culture in the company, workmates and socialising.
During the pandemic, we all know how social interaction was curtailed and how that made us feel. Now, this lack of connection to the workplace has given more people the courage to decide that now is the time to make a move they might have been considering for some time.
A further reason for people making the decision to resign is from general burnout. Perhaps because of extra work and stress as a result of the pandemic. It could also be that you didn’t realise how burnt out you were feeling because of your job until you were furloughed during the pandemic.The pandemic might have given you that time to regroup and think about how you want to progress in your work life.
Another event that might have made it easier to quit your current role or consider quitting is others in your peer group. Maybe you have friends and people you know who have already made the leap. This makes it easier for you because you know you are not the only one who is feeling this way.
As human beings, we are in the pursuit of happiness and this is true of our work life as well as our homelife and leisure time.
So, what are people looking for in 2022 when they apply for new roles?
Whilst better pay is one of the reasons, it isn’t necessarily the most important. As well as fair pay for the job you are doing, lots of you are looking for employers to invest in you via training and development packages; the option to attend courses, gain further qualifications, in house training and upskilling.
And yes, for those of you who have been working from home and have realised that suits you more, many of you want the option to be able to work remotely.
What Will Jobs Look Like in 2022?
In 2022, as the UK economy starts to recover after the pandemic, employers have a lot of vacancies to fill and need to get people like you on their payroll. To do this, because you now have different types of jobs to choose from, the package they offer needs to be attractive.
People don’t want to work long hours in dead end jobs for little pay. Employers are needing to be creative – improving pay levels for traditionally lower paid work and developing strategies for being able to offer more flexibility to staff.
For some types of part time jobs, obviously, it is impossible for employers to be able to offer you the option to work from home. There are lots of roles that require you to bo on work premises – manufacturing or warehouse jobs for example.
For these types of jobs, you may be able to negotiate with employers so that you can do a job share or only work during term time, for example.
It is predicted that throughout 2022, employers will be open to more flexible and innovative ways of working and negotiating working hours.
So whether you are simply thinking about reducing the amount of hours you work or you are looking to retrain or upskill, these are the types of part time rolls you are likely to see on offer the most in 2022.
Entry Level Part Time Jobs
Entry level part time jobs are perfect for those of you who might be looking to retrain in other fields. You can use the job to get relevant experience or to fund yourself whilst you study for other future career roles.
Entry level part time jobs can also be used to fill in those gaping gaps on your CV if you have been out of the workplace for a while. Now is a perfect time to get back into employment with so many sectors facing skills shortages.
Warehousing & Distribution
If you are looking to work in the world of logistics, warehousing and distribution is an area where there are currently lots of vacancies. There is a lot of different entry level jobs in this field from part time warehouse jobs picking or working in storage to driver jobs, taking goods to retailers and other centres.
There are lots of directions you can take to pursue a future career in warehousing and distribution via on the job training if this is a field you are interested in.
Health Sector
Part time entry level jobs in the health sector could be working in care homes or helping people in the community. There is a huge shortage of care workers in the UK and some companies offer zero hour contracts where you will be able to work flexible hours.
Working in healthcare offers many opportunities for upskilling and gaining further qualifications that would allow you to move into nursing and other type of roles if you like.
The hospitality sector is hugely varied with various part time entry level hospitality jobs you could consider.
In 2022, there are shortages of chefs and front of house staff in particular. Again, if you are looking to do flexible working hours, although hospitality jobs don’t lend themselves to working from home, flexibility is what most hospitality jobs are all about.
Take a look at some of the different types of hospitality jobs to see if this is the sector for you. Don’t forget, a lot of hospitality jobs also carry the added benefit of tips from customers on top of your wage. There are also lots of opportunities where you can upskill and move into positions of more responsibility.
If you enjoy meeting people and working in a role that is different every day, part time entry level retail jobs could be perfect for you.
Again, there are lots of types of retail jobs out there so you should be able to work in a retail area that you have a passion for from fashion to food. Retail also has a variety of roles where you are not necessarily dealing with customers all the time.
If you like to do seasonal jobs, retail is an area that often has seasonal work.It is also a sector that is facing staff shortages. Before you apply for seasonal jobs, have you considered the pros and cons? And if seasonal work is your thing, take a look at some ideas for the different types of seasonal jobs out there. Not just in retail but other sectors, too.
High street retail means you might be able to find part time jobs in your local area.
Skilled Part Time Jobs
If you already have a profession, your skills could be in high demand and this can give you leverage for being able to work flexible and part time hours.
Alternatively, if you are looking to upskill or retrain in an area where you want to be able to work in a field you have a passion for, these are some professions where there is a skills shortage.
Working in or training in some of these fields can help to bridge that UK skills gap and also give you the opportunity to work flexible hours. Some could even give you the opportunity for freelance work which means you get to pick and choose when you work, giving you more time to pursue other interests and spend time with family and friends.
There is always demand for accountants in a variety of areas. You can work in a particular sector, work for an accounting firm or work independently so this can open many doors for you.
If you aren’t a qualified accountant but think you have the qualities to make a successful accountant, it is possible to do accountancy courses at different levels within educational establishments, with the company you are already working for or via distance learning.
You won’t be surprised to see IT on this list. There could be a whole host of opportınities out there for those of you with IT skills who want to work part time.
IT lends itself perfectly to flexible working where you can choose your hours and even work from home if you want to.
If you don’t want to be limited to one type of work and you like to do multiple part time jobs, IT is perfect for this way of working because you can juggle commutes with working from home.
Take a look at some ideas for different types of IT jobs where you can do remote work – the big trend for 2022.
If you are working part time so that you can upskill or retrain in another area, 2022 will continue to see a skills shortage in the various engineering fields.
There are so many types of engineering jobs out there and the financial rewards are generous once you are qualified. From civil engineers and environmental engineering to chemical engineering and aeronautical engineering. You can study and train in a role that matches your interests and strengths.
Looking Forward
None of us can predict the future and we are not out of the woods yet where the pandemic is concerned. Brexit and other world events will also have an impact on how part time jobs will look and change throughout 2022.
At the moment, many of the jobs where there are shortages of staff are those where working from home is never – or rarely – an option. This is forcing employers to be more creative with flexibility and levels of pay or staff development.
If you are looking for a part time job in 2022, take a look at these current part time vacancies to see if there is anything to suit you.
And when you find that perfect job, make sure you shine in that interview and then smash that first day at work.